Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Audit Modification Trails

With so many fields available in the client, matter and timekeep master files, changes are made to these records on a consistent basis. Often it is helpful to be able to see who changed what and when that change occurred. There are two tables within Elite that can help us in this search: the auditmod and auditmodd tables. The first contains the summary info for the changes and the second contains the details and descriptions. The code below will pull any changes to information in the matter master fields of matter contact, matter address and matter billing attorney that was performed yesterday by any user other than abc and def. Obviously, those can be tweaked to your individual needs. The code will return 2 lines of information for each change. The first will be the 'P' row which indicates the previous information. The second will be the 'N' row, which indicates the new information. This query also utilizes the Matter Description user defined function and the Timekeeper Full Name user defined function.

audate AS 'Date'
,autime AS 'Time'
,auuser AS 'User'
,mmatter AS 'Matter #'
,clname1 AS 'Client Name'
,dbo.udfMattDesc(mmatter) AS 'Matter Description'
,dbo.udfTKFullName(mbillaty) AS 'Billing Aty'
,autype AS 'P/N'
,audesc AS 'Audit Description'
FROM auditmod
INNER JOIN auditmodd ON auditmod.auindex = auditmodd.auindex
INNER JOIN matter ON aukeyvalue1 = mmatter
INNER JOIN client ON mclient=clnum
WHERE autable = 'matter'
AND audate >= DATEADD(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,1,GETDATE()))
AND auuser NOT IN ('abc','def')
audesc LIKE 'mcontact%'
audesc LIKE 'maddr%'
audesc LIKE 'mbillaty%'
ORDER BY audate,aukeyvalue1,auditmodd.auindex


DateTimeUserMatter #Client NameMatter DescriptionBilling AtyP/NAudit Description
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenPmbillaty 7381
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenPmcontact
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenPmaddr1
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenPmaddr2
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenPmaddr3
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenNmbillaty 1234
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenNmcontact Jim McMahon
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenNmaddr1 Global Industries
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenNmaddr2 123 Wellington Court
2005-02-22 00:00:00.00016:00:25demo3000-001Global IndustriesGlobal Industries - AuditStevens, DarrenNmaddr3 Lincolnshire, IL

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