Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Client and Matter Exception Rates

Client and matter exception rates are one of the more difficult areas to manage in Enterprise. This can be complicated by the fact in versions prior to 3.10, there is no end date on the records. In order to end an exception, you had to enter a new line with a zero percent or dollar deviation. Thankfully this has been corrected in 3.10. For those still on prior versions, this bit of code gives you a full view of exceptions for clients and matters. In an effort to make the data a bit more manageable, there is a department variable that limits the results of the query to a single department.

This is probably as good a time as any to point out the merits (and limitations) of common table expressions (CTE) as opposed to sub-queries. You can see in the top portion of the query below that there is a "WITH" expression. Using a WITH expression creates a common table expression from a query and gives it a name, in this case maxmex. You can then call this CTE later in your query as if it were a table. However, note in the client section that I've used subqueries instead of a CTE. WITH expressions can only be used at the beginning of a query, and a previous query/statement must be ended with a semicolon before a WITH expression can be used. Since the UNION ALL is a continuation of the query, we can't use a WITH at that point. However, in my opinion, CTEs are much easier to read and understand than sub-queries, so I highly recommend their use.

SET @Dept = '15';

WITH maxmex AS
 SELECT mrmatter
 ,MAX(mreffdate) as 'maxdate'
 FROM mexrate
 WHERE mrccode ='!'
 GROUP BY mrmatter,mrtk,mrtitle
rates AS
 SELECT b.tkinit AS tkrinit
 ,b.tkeffdate AS tkrdate1
 ,MIN(CASE WHEN e.tkeffdate IS NULL THEN '1/1/2026' ELSE e.tkeffdate END)-1 AS tkrdate2
 ,b.tkrt01 AS tkrt01
 ,b.tkrtcur AS tkrtcur
 FROM timerate b
 LEFT OUTER JOIN timerate e ON b.tkinit=e.tkinit AND e.tkeffdate > b.tkeffdate AND b.tkrtcur=e.tkrtcur
 GROUP BY b.tkinit,b.tkeffdate,b.tkrt01,b.tkrtcur
client.clnum AS 'Client #'
,client.clname1 AS 'Client Name'
,mexrate.mrmatter AS 'Matter #'
, matter.mdesc1 AS 'Matter Desc'
, deptlab.head1 AS 'Matter Dept'
, CASE WHEN mexrate.mrtitle='!' THEN mexrate.mrtk ELSE mexrate.mrtitle END AS 'Exception'
, CASE WHEN mexrate.mrtitle='!' THEN tk2.tklast+', '+tk2.tkfirst ELSE 'ALL' END AS 'Exception Name'
, CASE WHEN mexrate.mrtitle='!' THEN tk2.tktitle ELSE mexrate.mrtitle END AS 'Exception Title'
, CASE WHEN mexrate.mrtitle='!' THEN dept2.head1 ELSE 'ALL' END AS 'Exception Dept'
, CASE WHEN mexrate.mrtitle='!' THEN ldesc ELSE 'ALL' END AS 'Exception Loc'
, mexrate.mreffdate
, mexrate.mrrate
, mexrate.mrdevper
, mexrate.mrdevdol
, mexrate.mrrtnum
, rates.tkrt01
, rates.tkrtcur
--, matter.mbillaty
--, deptlab_billatty.head1
--, matter.mclosedt
FROM   mexrate mexrate 
INNER JOIN matter matter  ON mexrate.mrmatter=matter.mmatter
INNER JOIN deptlab deptlab ON matter.mdept=deptlab.delcode
INNER JOIN maxmex maxmex ON mexrate.mrmatter=maxmex.mrmatter AND mexrate.mrtk=maxmex.mrtk AND mexrate.mrtitle=maxmex.mrtitle AND mexrate.mreffdate=maxmex.maxdate
INNER JOIN timekeep timekeep ON matter.mbillaty=timekeep.tkinit
LEFT OUTER JOIN timekeep tk2 ON maxmex.mrtk=tk2.tkinit
LEFT OUTER JOIN deptlab dept2 ON tk2.tkdept=dept2.delcode
LEFT OUTER JOIN location ON tk2.tkloc=locode
INNER JOIN deptlab deptlab_billatty ON timekeep.tkdept=deptlab_billatty.delcode
INNER JOIN client ON mclient=clnum
LEFT OUTER JOIN rates ON mexrate.mrtk=rates.tkrinit AND rates.tkrdate2='12/31/2025'
WHERE  matter.mclosedt IS NULL 
AND (mexrate.mrtk='!' OR mexrate.mrtk IN (SELECT tkinit FROM timekeep WHERE tktmdate IS NULL)) 
AND (mrdevper<>0 OR mrdevper IS NULL)
AND (mrdevdol<>0 OR mrdevdol IS NULL)
AND matter.mdept=@Dept


-- Client Exceptions

SELECT cexrate.crclient AS 'Client #'
, client.clname1 AS 'Client Name'
, 'All' AS 'Matter #'
, 'All' AS 'Matter Desc'
, 'All' AS 'Matter Dept'
, CASE WHEN cexrate.crtitle='!' THEN cexrate.crtk ELSE cexrate.crtitle END AS 'Exception'
, CASE WHEN cexrate.crtitle='!' THEN tk2.tklast+', '+tk2.tkfirst ELSE 'ALL' END AS 'Exception Name'
, CASE WHEN cexrate.crtitle='!' THEN tk2.tktitle ELSE cexrate.crtitle END AS 'Exception Title'
, CASE WHEN cexrate.crtitle='!' THEN dept2.head1 ELSE 'ALL' END AS 'Exception Dept'
, CASE WHEN cexrate.crtitle='!' THEN ldesc ELSE 'ALL' END AS 'Exception Loc'
, cexrate.creffdate
, cexrate.crrate
, cexrate.crdevper
, cexrate.crdevdol
, cexrate.crrtnum
, rates.tkrt01
, rates.tkrtcur
FROM   cexrate 
 (SELECT crclient
 ,MAX(creffdate) as 'maxdate'
 FROM cexrate
 WHERE crccode ='!'
 GROUP BY crclient,crtk,crtitle) AS
maxcex ON cexrate.crclient=maxcex.crclient AND cexrate.crtk=maxcex.crtk AND cexrate.crtitle=maxcex.crtitle AND cexrate.creffdate=maxcex.maxdate
LEFT OUTER JOIN timekeep tk2 ON maxcex.crtk=tk2.tkinit
LEFT OUTER JOIN deptlab dept2 ON tk2.tkdept=dept2.delcode
LEFT OUTER JOIN location ON tk2.tkloc=locode
INNER JOIN client ON cexrate.crclient=client.clnum
 SELECT b.tkinit AS tkrinit
 ,b.tkeffdate AS tkrdate1
 ,MIN(CASE WHEN e.tkeffdate IS NULL THEN '1/1/2026' ELSE e.tkeffdate END)-1 AS tkrdate2
 ,b.tkrt01 AS tkrt01
 ,b.tkrtcur AS tkrtcur
 FROM timerate b
 LEFT OUTER JOIN timerate e ON b.tkinit=e.tkinit AND e.tkeffdate > b.tkeffdate AND b.tkrtcur=e.tkrtcur
 GROUP BY b.tkinit,b.tkeffdate,b.tkrt01,b.tkrtcur
 ) AS rates ON cexrate.crtk=rates.tkrinit AND rates.tkrdate2='12/31/2025'

WHERE  (cexrate.crtk='!' OR cexrate.crtk IN (SELECT tkinit FROM timekeep WHERE tktmdate IS NULL)) 
AND (crdevper IS NULL OR crdevper <> 0)
AND (crdevdol IS NULL OR crdevdol <> 0)
AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM matter WHERE mclient=clnum AND mdept=@Dept AND mclosedt IS NULL)

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