Thursday, December 16, 2010

Extend & Imaging - Vouchers not Imaged

Another way you can use Extend and Image Connect together is to identify which transactions in Elite do not have a corresponding barcode attached. The query below looks at vouchers in Elite and compares it to Image Connect to see if a barcode has been attached. If not, the voucher and user will appear in the results (and therefore receive an email from Extend stating as such). This will help ensure all transactions are properly scanned. The query below assumes use of AD authentication which should allow you to simply add on your domain to the username to arrive at the email address of the user. If you don't use AD authentication, I'd suggest using an user access UDF field for this purpose.
SELECT vo_id
,ufullname+'' AS email
FROM apvo
INNER JOIN fmsbatch ON vobtid=fmsbtid AND trtype='VO'
INNER JOIN ap ON apvo.apnum=ap.apnum
INNER JOIN usmaster ON fmsbatch.opuserid=usmaster.userid
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [YourImagingDBServer].[IMAGING].[dbo].[Profiles] WHERE CAST(vo_id AS VARCHAR(12))=TransID1 AND AppTypeID=28 AND ProfileToAppStatus=1)
AND votrdt >= '12/1/10'
AND voamt > 0
ORDER BY opuserid,votrdt

Extend & Image Connect

Extend is one of the most useful tools in the Enterprise arsenal. Image Connect (or whatever imaging solution is in use) is also a very helpful tool for documenting transactions. Below, I've married the two to email out items scanned to the matter number for management to see what items are being documented at that level. Note that since your Imaging db is likely on a different server than your Elite db, you'll need to create a linked server on your Elite db server to access the remote Imaging server. There are a few assumptions made here: 1. The document is scanned on the same day the profile is created 2. The user has access to the file paths containing the images on the Image Connect application server.
SELECT Operators.FullName
,AppTypes.Description AS AppDesc
,Profiles.Description AS ProfDesc
,'<a href="file:///'+[ImagePath].[Path]+''+ImagePath.TempPath+''+CAST(Images.BarcodeGUID AS VARCHAR(255))+'.'+Images.FileExtension+'">View Image</a>'
FROM [imagingserver].[imaging].[dbo].[Profiles]
INNER JOIN [imagingserver].[imaging].[dbo].[Images] ON Profiles.ImageID=Images.ImageID
INNER JOIN [imagingserver].[imaging].[dbo].[ImagePath] ON Images.ImageID=ImagePath.ImageID
INNER JOIN [imagingserver].[imaging].[dbo].[Operators] ON Profiles.UserID=Operators.OperatorID
INNER JOIN [imagingserver].[imaging].[dbo].[AppTypes] ON Profiles.ApptypeID=Apptypes.AppTypeID
INNER JOIN [imagingserver].[imaging].[dbo].[Barcodes] ON Images.BarcodeGUID=Barcodes.BarcodeGUID
WHERE ImageStored = 1
AND Profiles.AppTypeID ='17'
AND ProfileToAppStatus=1
AND Profiles.CreateDate >= '12/1/10'

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Calculating a Real Billing Realization

One potential issue with billing realization within Elite is that worked values are set based on the rate codes and exception rates in effect on each matter. This is great for certain purposes, but it's not as handy when trying to compare billed values to a "standard" or "rack" rate. While some firms have chosen to utilize the Accounting Information tab in Timekeeper Master to keep track of standard rates over time, many don't and simply use the Rates tab. This presents a problem with comparing worked values and billed values to a "standard" or "rack" rate for each timekeeper. The following query mostly solves this issue by comparing each timecard worked to the "standard" or "rack" rate in effect for that timekeeper at the time the timecard was worked. A true billing realization can then be calculated.

One of the neat things about this query is the method used to "create" an ending effective date for each record in the rate table. By default, this table only has a beginning effective date. Therefore, by joining the table to itself we are able to match the next highest effective date for a record and subtract a day from it to arrive at an ending date for that record.

Note: While this query is correctly configured to take multi-currency into account, it is assuming that everyone has a US Dollar rate. If that's not the case for your firm, modifications will need to be made. Also, for this example, Rate Code 2 is considered the "standard" or "rack" rate.

WITH rates AS
SELECT b.tkinit AS tkrinit
,b.tkeffdate AS tkrdate1
,MIN(CASE WHEN e.tkeffdate IS NULL THEN '1/1/2026' ELSE e.tkeffdate END)-1 AS tkrdate2
FROM timerate b
LEFT OUTER JOIN timerate e ON b.tkinit=e.tkinit AND e.tkeffdate > b.tkeffdate AND b.tkrtcur=e.tkrtcur
GROUP BY b.tkinit,b.tkeffdate,b.tkrt02,b.tkrtcur
head1 AS 'Department'
,tkinit AS 'TK #'
,tklast+', '+tkfirst AS 'Timekeeper'
,SUM(tworkhrs) AS 'Worked Hrs'
,CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN rates.tkrt02 iS NULL THEN tworkhrs*dorates.tkrt02 ELSE tworkhrs*rates.tkrt02/cdrate END) AS DECIMAL(16,2)) AS 'R2 Fees'
,CAST(SUM(tworkdol/cdrate) AS DECIMAL(16,2)) AS 'Worked Fees'
,CAST(SUM(tbilldol/cdrate) AS DECIMAL(16,2)) AS 'Billed Fees'
INNER JOIN timekeep ON ttk=tkinit
INNER JOIN deptlab ON tkdept=delcode
INNER JOIN periodt ON tbiper=pe
INNER JOIN matter ON tmatter=mmatter
INNER JOIN currates ON mcurrency=curcode AND pebedt BETWEEN cddate1 AND cddate2 AND trtype='A'
LEFT OUTER JOIN rates ON rates.tkrinit=tkinit AND tworkdt BETWEEN rates.tkrdate1 AND rates.tkrdate2 AND mcurrency=rates.tkrtcur
LEFT OUTER JOIN rates dorates ON dorates.tkrinit=tkinit AND tworkdt BETWEEN dorates.tkrdate1 AND dorates.tkrdate2 AND dorates.tkrtcur='DO'
WHERE YEAR(pebedt)='2010'
AND pebedt < '12/1/10'
AND tstatus NOT IN ('E','NBP')
GROUP BY tkdept,head1,tkinit,tklast,tkfirst
ORDER BY tkdept,head1,tklast
The total results for Worked Hours, Worked Fees and Billed Fees should tie back to Timekeeper and Matter Stats in Inquiry.

Back in the Saddle

So, after a 6 month respite, I have returned and will begin adding new content to the blog once again! The last 6 months have been an exciting time for me and my family, having moved to Philadelphia, PA and joined a new law firm. The most visible changes you will see here include the addition of multi-timekeeper and multi-currency concepts to Enterprise SQL queries, as these are staples of my new employer. Thanks for visiting and I hope you will find the information here helpful!