Saturday, April 16, 2011

Matters with No Recent Activity

This is similar to yesterday's Client post, but for matters and with a one year qualification. It identifies "Open" matters opened more than a year ago with no activity in the past year.
mstatus = 'OP'
AND mopendt < DATEADD(yy,-1,GETDATE())
--No new time
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM timecard WHERE mmatter=tmatter AND tworkdt >= DATEADD(yy,-1,GETDATE()))
--No new costs
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM cost WHERE mmatter=cmatter AND cdisbdt >= DATEADD(yy,-1,GETDATE()))
--No new trust
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM trsttran WHERE mmatter=trmatter AND trdate >= DATEADD(yy,-1,GETDATE()))
--No new invoices or payments
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ledger WHERE mmatter=lmatter AND ltradat >= DATEADD(yy,-1,GETDATE()))
--No A/R or WIP
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM inqsnap WHERE icode='M' AND ivalue=mmatter AND (ar_fees+ar_cost+ar_other+ar_unall+unb_hours+unb_fees+unb_cost)<>0)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Clients with No Recent Activity

The following is a simple query to identify clients that have had no activity over the past 2 years. It looks at "Current" clients opened more than two years ago.
clstatus = 'C'
AND clopendt < DATEADD(yy,-2,GETDATE())
--No new time
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM matter INNER JOIN timecard ON mmatter=tmatter WHERE mclient=clnum AND tworkdt >= DATEADD(yy,-2,GETDATE()))
--No new costs
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM matter INNER JOIN cost ON mmatter=cmatter WHERE mclient=clnum AND cdisbdt >= DATEADD(yy,-2,GETDATE()))
--No new trust
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM matter INNER JOIN trsttran ON mmatter=trmatter WHERE mclient=clnum AND trdate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,GETDATE()))
--No new invoices or payments
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM matter INNER JOIN ledger ON mmatter=lmatter WHERE mclient=clnum AND ltradat >= DATEADD(yy,-2,GETDATE()))
--No new matters
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM matter WHERE mclient=clnum AND mopendt >= DATEADD(yy,-2,GETDATE()))
--No A/R or WIP
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM inqsnap WHERE icode='MC' AND ivalue=clnum AND (ar_fees+ar_cost+ar_other+ar_unall+unb_hours+unb_fees+unb_cost)<>0)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

VBA - Controlling Form Appearance via User Access

We've added some custom functionality to several of our Elite forms recently using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). As with many things Elite, there's more than one way to accomplish the goal. In this case, we only wanted certain users to have access to the custom functionality. The popular method that is included in your Elite documentation would be to set the users up in a group and make the VBA changes just for that group. I didn't particularly want to go down that route for several reasons, so what I settled on was controlling the visibility of the custom items via a user access setting. In the case below, it is u85: the ability to access Queues in Reports & Queues. The custom control is set to visible on the form, and if the user does not have access to queues, then the control is hidden.
Private Sub EisVBAForm_FormInitialize()

'Set SYS Level to 1 and User to 0
'Elite setups give access if User Level is higher than SYS
'so we're starting with denying access
'Then evaluating their actual access levels
SysLevel = 1
UserLevel = 0

'Get SYS Access Level
strSQL = "SELECT u85 FROM uaccess WHERE uname='SYS'"

Set rsUaccess = DB.OpenResults(strSQL)

If rsUaccess.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "User Access Error." & vbCrLf & "Contact System Administrator", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "User Access Error"
    SysLevel = rsUaccess.Value(0)
'Get User Access Level
    strSQL = "SELECT u85 FROM uaccess WHERE uname='" & Trim(UserID) & "'"
    Set rsUaccess = DB.OpenResults(strSQL)
    If rsUaccess.Count > 0 Then
        UserLevel = rsUaccess.Value(0)
    End If
'Compare the two, if User is lower than Sys, Hide a control on the form
    If UserLevel < SysLevel Then
        cmdDistProf.Visible = False
    End If
End If

Set rsUaccess = Nothing

End Sub