Private Sub eisvbaform_forminitialize() Me.gpbInput0 = False Me.gpbInput4 = True Me.optDos = True Me.optUnix = False End SubWhen making VBA changes, I usually test at my user level first and then at the firm level. To make the changes at the firm level, when logging in, choose the Advanced option and the Select different user for form and VBA changes option. Browse to the form you want to edit and choose VBA Editor from the Design menu. Making these types of changes are simple, and can save administrators headaches caused by incorrect user input.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Time Load VBA Scripting Example
One of the neat things about Enterprise is that it is customizable with VBA scripting. One of the uses I've found for this is to change the default checkboxes in many of the Enterprise screens to match how we do things. For instance, when our users need to manually upload time using Time Load, they have to select Expanded Line Format 2 and Workstation from the options. Rather than the users having to manually select these (and risk errors by choosing the wrong option), we can use VBA to default to these two choices. The code is shown below for this particular change.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Check & Voucher Totals by Vendor
It is always interesting to look at year-end stats, and this query is no exception. This will show you the number and dollar amount of vouchers and checks by vendor that your Accounts Payable department processed in a given year, with the focus being on value of checks. Note, as it is currently written, this will not return any vendors with vouchers but no checks.
SELECT ap.apnum AS 'Vendor #', apname AS 'Vendor Name', csd.apaddid AS 'Address #', apaddr.appynm AS 'Payee Name', COUNT(cknum) AS '# Checks', SUM(ckamt) AS '$ Checks', nvo.numvoucher AS '# Vouchers', nvo.dolvoucher AS '$ Vouchers' FROM ap INNER JOIN csd ON ap.apnum = csd.apnum INNER JOIN apaddr ON csd.apaddid = apaddr.apaddid AND csd.apnum = apaddr.apnum LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT apvo.apnum, apvo.apaddid, COUNT(vo_id) AS numvoucher, SUM(voamt) AS dolvoucher FROM apvo WHERE YEAR(votrdt)='2009' GROUP BY apvo.apnum,apvo.apaddid) AS nvo ON csd.apnum=nvo.apnum AND csd.apaddid = nvo.apaddid WHERE YEAR(ckdate) = '2009' AND (voiddt IS NULL OR ckstat <> 'V') GROUP BY ap.apnum,apname,csd.apaddid,apaddr.appynm,numvoucher, dolvoucher HAVING SUM(ckamt) > 0 ORDER BY SUM(ckamt) DESC
Friday, January 15, 2010
Matter Exception Rate Update
Occasionally we have the need to input matter exception rates for a number of matters for a client, but not all (hence matter exceptions and not client exceptions). To my knowledge, there are at least three ways to accomplish this. 1) Manually input exception rates on all matters that need them (but what if there's 50!). 2) If you're on 3.5 or higher, you can create a matter udf called CEXRATE and input a different client number to utilise that client's exception rates. You could then create a dummy client, load the exception rates once and add this client number to each matter in the CEXRATE udf. 3) You can use the method below.
Step 1 - Input exception rates for one matter. Then view the exception rates in SQL. We want to copy the last row with the effective date of 5/1/2004.
Step 2 - Create temporary table to hold matters that need the exception rates & populate.
Step 6 - If it's all good, commit the transaction (if not, rollback)
DISCLAIMER - As always, test liberally in a test environment and deploy cautiously.
Step 1 - Input exception rates for one matter. Then view the exception rates in SQL. We want to copy the last row with the effective date of 5/1/2004.
SELECT * FROM mexrate WHERE mrmatter='2000-001'Results
mrmatter | mrtk | mreffdate | mrrate | mrdevper | mrdevdol | mrccode | mrtitle | mrmaximum | mrreason | mrrtnum |
2000-001 | ! | 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 | 200.000 | NULL | NULL | ! | Senior Partner | N | NULL | NULL |
2000-001 | ! | 2003-01-01 00:00:00.000 | 250.000 | NULL | NULL | ! | Senior Partner | N | NULL | NULL |
2000-001 | ! | 2003-03-01 00:00:00.000 | 300.000 | NULL | NULL | ! | Senior Partner | N | NULL | NULL |
2000-001 | ! | 2003-05-01 00:00:00.000 | 350.000 | NULL | NULL | ! | Senior Partner | N | NULL | NULL |
2000-001 | ! | 2004-04-01 00:00:00.000 | 400.000 | NULL | NULL | ! | Senior Partner | N | NULL | NULL |
2000-001 | ! | 2004-05-01 00:00:00.000 | 500.000 | NULL | NULL | ! | Senior Partner | N | NULL | NULL |
Step 2 - Create temporary table to hold matters that need the exception rates & populate.
CREATE TABLE ##mexrate1 ( mmatter VARCHAR(15)); INSERT INTO ##mexrate1 VALUES ('2000-003') INSERT INTO ##mexrate1 VALUES ('2000-010') ... --If there is a systematic way to identify the matters then you can use: INSERT INTO ##mexrate1 SELECT mmatter FROM matter WHERE ...(your criteria)...Step 3 - Execute cursor update below to cycle through the matters and insert new exception rates
BEGIN TRANSACTION mexrateupdate Declare c Cursor For Select Distinct mmatter From ##mexrate1 Open c DECLARE @MatId VARCHAR (15); Fetch next From c into @MatId While @@Fetch_Status=0 Begin INSERT INTO mexrate SELECT @MatId, mrtk, mreffdate, mrrate, mrdevper, mrdevdol, mrccode, mrtitle, mrmaximum, mrreason, mrrtnum FROM mexrate WHERE mrmatter = '2000-001' --The original matter to copy AND mreffdate = '5/1/2004' --The exception rates to copy Fetch next From c into @MatId End Close c Deallocate cStep 4 - Use SQL to view a matter that was updated & make sure everything looks good
SELECT * FROM mexrate WHERE mrmatter = '2000-010'Step 5 - Check the matter in Elite to make sure everything looks ok.
Step 6 - If it's all good, commit the transaction (if not, rollback)
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION mexrateupdate --if it's bad COMMIT TRANSACTION mexrateupdate --if it's goodStep 7 - Explicitly drop the temporary table
DROP TABLE ##mexrate1Step 8 - Be thankful you didn't have to manually input 25 exception rates for 75 matters...
DISCLAIMER - As always, test liberally in a test environment and deploy cautiously.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Missing Files in Whitehill
For those that use Elite Document Studio by Whitehill/Skywire/Oracle Legal (whatever it's called these days) there's several moving parts that can wind up not working properly. One of these is that the document record is created in the Document_Catalog table, but the actual file doesn't make its way to the correct folder. This results in an error in Elite when trying to access an invoice pdf. So what do you do when you have a host of files missing from your bill directory, but the records are already in the Document_Catalog table (especially if only 1 of 4 converters wasn't functioning properly)?
Well, here's a solution. If you have any ideas on how to improve this, or re-write it altogether to be more efficient or effective, please share!
The first section of code here creates a temporary table and inserts into the temporary table the list of files of the targeted directory. In this case, we're looking at the bill directory on the Elite application server. You'll need to modify this path according to your environment. One note: the collation in the CREATE TABLE needs to be the same as the collation of your Document_Catalog table otherwise you may get errors when joining the two.
The results from above should appear like this:
By taking a quick look at the temporary table you should see this:
These next few lines of code will strip out the non-file lines from the temporary table.
Next we need to compare the files in the directory (temp table) to the records in the Document_Catalog.
You now have a list of invoices that are missing from your bill location. You can now recap these specific invoices rather than target all within a certain date range of the error.
Well, here's a solution. If you have any ideas on how to improve this, or re-write it altogether to be more efficient or effective, please share!
The first section of code here creates a temporary table and inserts into the temporary table the list of files of the targeted directory. In this case, we're looking at the bill directory on the Elite application server. You'll need to modify this path according to your environment. One note: the collation in the CREATE TABLE needs to be the same as the collation of your Document_Catalog table otherwise you may get errors when joining the two.
USE [son_db] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO --Drop temporary table if it already exists IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#DirContents', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.#DirContents; GO --Create temporary table to store contents of directory CREATE TABLE #DirContents ( Line VARCHAR(512) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL) DECLARE @PathName VARCHAR(256) , @CMD VARCHAR(512) SET @PathName = '\\eliteappserver\elite\home\bill\' SET @CMD = 'DIR ' + @PathName + ' /TC' PRINT @CMD INSERT INTO #DirContents EXEC MASTER..xp_cmdshell @CMD
The results from above should appear like this:
Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb. DIR \\eliteappserver\elite\home\bill\ /TC (32568 row(s) affected)
By taking a quick look at the temporary table you should see this:
Line |
Volume in drive \\eliteappserver\elite\home\bill is Data_LUN72 |
Volume Serial Number is ABCD-E123 |
Directory of \\eliteappserver\elite\home\bill |
07/17/2009 07:34 PM <DIR> . |
07/17/2009 07:34 PM <DIR> .. |
10/06/2008 01:09 PM 41,270 000001.000001.481826.10062008.pdf |
09/03/2008 01:00 PM 42,434 000567.000026.471323.06052008.pdf |
09/03/2008 01:00 PM 42,680 000567.000026.473887.07072008.pdf |
These next few lines of code will strip out the non-file lines from the temporary table.
DELETE FROM #DirContents WHERE Line NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] %' OR Line LIKE '%<DIR>%' OR Line is null
Next we need to compare the files in the directory (temp table) to the records in the Document_Catalog.
WITH realfiles AS ( SELECT 'DocName' = REVERSE( LEFT(REVERSE(Line),CHARINDEX(' ',REVERSE(line))-1 ) ), 'CreateDate' = LEFT(Line,10) FROM #DirContents WHERE LEFT(Line,10) LIKE '12/%%/2009' ), doccatfiles AS ( SELECT EMP_ID ,REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(CAST(FILE_PATH AS VARCHAR(400))),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(CAST(FILE_PATH AS VARCHAR(400))))-1)) AS 'DocName' FROM Document_Catalog WHERE FILE_DATE >= '12/1/09' AND DESC_DATE_2 >= '12/1/09' ) SELECT DISTINCT doccatfiles.EMP_ID FROM doccatfiles WHERE doccatfiles.DocName NOT IN (SELECT realfiles.DocName FROM realfiles)Note: Since we're doing so much text manipulation and comparing long strings of text, this query is rather slow. You'll see I limited the inputs here to only December 2009 to make the information more manageable. If you have a large issue, I would recommend separating it into batches like this.
You now have a list of invoices that are missing from your bill location. You can now recap these specific invoices rather than target all within a certain date range of the error.
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