Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Conflicts Search Options

One thing about the search options in Conflicts Prospective Search and Quick Search is that the user can modify settings as to which fields in the database are being searched. This can lead to different users performing the same search, but getting different results. To check your users settings here, you can use the following code:
select * from vboptions where vboname = 'CnfSearchCustom_UserFields'  -- Quick Search settings
select * from vboptions where vboname = 'CnfSearchPro_UserFields'  -- Prospective settings

If you notice many differences, especially among a group of people that should have the same settings, you can verify the 'correctness' of an individual and copy those settings to other users without them having to print out the options screen and go item by item. The following code will suffice:

--View Options for user with 'correct' settings.

select vbovalue from vboptions where vboname = 'CnfSearchCustom_UserFields' and vbouser = 'xyz'

--Copy Results from above to the long value below
begin transaction conflictsupdate
update vboptions
where vboname = 'CnfSearchCustom_UserFields'
and vbouser in ('jkl','ghi','def','abc')
commit transaction conflictsupdate

begin transaction conflictsupdate
update vboptions
where vboname = 'CnfSearchPro_UserFields'
and vbouser in ('jkl','ghi','def','abc')
commit transaction conflictsupdate

It goes without saying that when you are performing an update on Elite, test liberally on a test system first, and apply update to production system after hours.

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